Google Earth file latest_sat.kml always contains latest Chl, SST, SSHA
- Link to all composite images [latest Google Earth image] - Link to MODIS/Aqua Chl images [latest Google Earth image] - Link to S-NPP Viirs Chl images [latest Google Earth image] - Link to all Google Earth images |
- Link to all SSHA images [latest Google Earth image] - Link to all Google Earth images |
- Link to all images (MUR) [latest Google Earth image] - Link to all Google Earth images |
Chl based on daily L3b data from MODIS/Aqua and VIIRS (OCI algorithm)
Sea Surface Height anomaly extracted from near-real time all-sat merged (Copernicus MEMS) (was: AVISO)
SST extracted from Global 1 km SST data (GHRSST-MUR)
Contact: Gert van Dijken